pkgutil.ImpImporter not found installing pyaudio on Python 3.12 – Python

Maya Patel

Quick Fix: Upgrade the virtualenv using "pip install –upgrade virtualenv", create a new virtual environment with "virtualenv venv –python=python3.12" and activate it.

The Problem:

Facing an error while installing the PyAudio package using ‘pip install pyaudio’ command in Python 3.12 environment. The issue arises due to the absence of the ‘pkgutil.ImpImporter’ attribute, resulting in an AttributeError. The error log suggests that the ‘zipimporter’ attribute may be available instead. How can this issue be resolved to successfully install PyAudio?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Updating and Creating a New Virtual Environment

To resolve the “pkgutil.ImpImporter not found” error while installing PyAudio on Python 3.12, follow these steps:

  1. Update Virtualenv:
  2. Update your virtual environment using the command:

    pip install –upgrade virtualenv

  3. Creating New Virtual Environment:
  4. Create a new virtual environment for Python 3.12 using the command:

    virtualenv venv –python=python3.12

  5. Activate Virtual Environment:
  6. Activate the newly created virtual environment “venv” with the command:

    source venv/bin/activate

    (Mac/Linux) or



  7. Install PyAudio:
  8. Within the activated virtual environment, install PyAudio using the command:

    pip install pyaudio

Now you should be able to successfully install and use PyAudio in your Python 3.12 environment.

Solution 2: Use virtualenv with `–reset-app-data` parameter

To resolve the issue, consider creating a virtual environment (virtualenv) with the `–reset-app-data` parameter. This approach has been reported to be effective in resolving the problem. The suggestion is based on information found at

Additionally, the author of the solution mentions using `virtualenv –upgrade-embed-wheels`. It’s worth trying this as well, although it’s not confirmed whether it contributed to the solution.


What error did you encounter while installing PyAudio on Python 3.12?

AttributeError: module ‘pkgutil’ has no attribute ‘ImpImporter’.

What was the solution to the issue?

Creating a new virtual environment with ‘–reset-app-data’ and ‘–upgrade-embed-wheels’ parameters.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "”How", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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· How to install PyAudio in Pycharm |100% fixed |Without errors · Python …”]