Problem with User.remove, it says that it is not a function – Javascript

Ali Hasan
mongodb reactjs

Quick Fix: The remove() function is not available for Model instances. Instead, use deleteOne() or deleteMany().

The Problem:

User.remove() is not a function when attempting to delete users before importing them in an Express.js application. The issue arises when using the ‘remove’ method without importing the appropriate Mongoose feature.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use deleteMany() instead of remove()

The remove() function is not available on the User model, which is a Model in Mongoose. To delete all documents from a collection, use the deleteMany() function instead.

await User.deleteMany({});


In newer versions of Mongoose, the `document.remove()` method has been deprecated. To resolve the error, replace it with either `deleteOne()` or `deleteMany()`, depending on your use case. Refer to the [Mongoose documentation on deprecations][1] for more details.

Here’s the updated code with deleteOne() method:

// ... previous code
  async (req, res) => {
    await User.deleteOne({});
    const importUser = await User.insertMany(users);
    res.send({ importUser });

// ... rest of the code

Similarly, you should update the code for the /products route to use deleteMany().

Solution 3: remove() vs deleteOne()

The error message indicates that User.remove() is not recognized as a function. In Mongoose, the remove() method has been deprecated in favor of deleteOne(). Therefore, you can resolve the issue by replacing User.remove({}) with User.deleteOne({}).

Here’s the updated code:

import express from "express";
import User from "./Models/UserModel.js";
import users from "./data/users.js";
import Product from "./Models/ProductModel.js";

const ImportData = express.Router();"/user", async (req, res) => {
  await User.deleteOne({});
  const importUser = await User.insertMany(users);
  res.send({ importUser });
});"/products", async (req, res) => {
  await Product.deleteOne({});
  const importProducts = await Product.insertMany(products);
  res.send({ importProducts });

export default ImportData;

By using deleteOne() instead of remove(), you can successfully remove all existing users before importing the new ones from the users data.


Is there another solution for this problem?

Yes, to solve this problem, you can replace the ‘remove()’ function with either the ‘deleteOne()’ or ‘deleteMany()’ functions.

What’s the difference between ‘remove()’ and ‘deleteOne()’?

The ‘remove()’ function is a part of a schema, while the ‘deleteOne()’ function is a part of a model.

Why is ‘remove()’ deprecated?

The ‘remove()’ function was deprecated because Mongoose decided to use ‘deleteOne()’ instead.

Video Explanation:

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