[Fixed] react-data-table-components error warning: react does not recognize the `sortActive` – React-data-table-component

Ali Hasan
laravel-vite react-data-table-component reactjs

Quick Fix: Downgrade styled-components to version 5.3.3 to fix the issue with react-data-table-components not recognizing sortActive. A PR for this problem exists, but it hasn’t been merged yet.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrading the `styled-components` version

The issue can be resolved by downgrading the version of `styled-components` to v5.3.3, as suggested by @aldwinp35 in the comment section. This resolves the incompatibility issue between `react-data-table-components` and the newer version of `styled-components`. The error messages will disappear, and the data table component should function correctly.

Solution 2: Downgrading `styled-components`

In this scenario, the error is caused by using an incompatible version of styled-components with react-data-table-components. To fix this, downgrade styled-components to version 5.3.11 or lower. This can be done by first uninstalling both react-data-table-components and styled-components, and then installing them again with the desired version of styled-components.

To do this, run the following commands in your terminal:

npm uninstall react-data-table-component styled-components
npm install react-data-table-component [email protected]

Alternatively, you can specify the desired version of styled-components when installing react-data-table-components by running the following command:

npm install react-data-table-component styled-components@^5.3.11

This will ensure that react-data-table-components uses the specified version of styled-components.

Solution 4: Upgrade Styled Components to Version 5.3.3

To resolve the error related to styled components, you can upgrade styled-components to version 5.3.3 by following these steps:

  1. Open your project’s terminal.
  2. Run the following command:
npm install [email protected]

This command will install the specified version of styled-components in your project. Once the installation is complete, you should no longer see the error related to styled-components.


What error did the user encounter when using react-data-table-components?

The user received warnings about unrecognized props and attributes in the DOM.

What was the solution to resolve the errors?

Downgrading the version of styled-components to v5.3.3 or v5.3.11.

How can you include a prop to a styled div from styled-components?

Include the prop with a $ prefix, for example: <StyledSection $logo=’true’ />.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "”React", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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This video provides further insights and detailed explanations related to the content discussed in the article.

– YouTube” description=”If you have recently upgraded to React 18 and tried to follow tutorials from myself or others, you may run into the error: Property …”]