Spring Security Filter Chain and defining FilterRegistartionBean – Spring

Ali Hasan
spring spring-boot spring-security

Quick Fix: Filters dealing solely with security, like authentication should go in the security filter chain. General application filters, like logging filters should be registered as FilterRegistration< > beans, which eventually get placed in the servlet filter chain.

The Problem:

I am configuring Spring Security filter chain and defining FilterRegistrationBean. I have added custom filters using http.addFilterBefore(...) and created a Filter configuration with FilterRegistrationBean<> methods. However, I don’t know where these FilterRegistrationBean filter beans appear in the servlet filter chain and how their order is determined compared to the filters in the security filter chain.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Filter Chain and FilterRegistrationBean in Spring Security

The Spring Security filter chain and `FilterRegistrationBean` play distinct roles in securing web applications:

  • Security Filter Chain: Configured using `http.addFilterBefore(…)`, this chain contains filters related to security operations, such as authentication and authorization.
  • `FilterRegistrationBean`: A bean-based approach to register custom filters. These filters are managed by the servlet container and can be placed before or after the security filter chain.

When a request is processed, the security filter chain runs first, followed by the `FilterRegistrationBean` filters, if any. This allows for flexibility in filter ordering and enables the separation of security-related filters from general application filters.

Note: To avoid duplicate filter executions, it’s recommended to exclude security filters from bean registration and instead configure them through the security filter chain configuration.


Where do the ‘FilterRegistrationBean<>’ filter beans get in the servlet filter chain?

They are registered as separate servlet container filters.

What is the order of ‘FilterRegistrationBean<>’ filters?

They are placed according to the order you specify.

Which is the best way to define security related filters?

Security filters should go in the security filter chain.