[Fixed] Strange error in console after installing Font Awesome 4 – Css

Maya Patel
cssgrid font-awesome glyph

Quick Fix: Update to the latest version of Firefox (if using Font-Awesome 6) or inform the font creator for fixing the issue if you are using a different font. In the meantime, uncheck the ‘Warnings’ button in the dev console to hide these messages.

The Problem:

You installed Font Awesome 4.7 and it works fine. However, you are getting numerous strange warnings in the Firefox console related to incorrect glyph bounding boxes. These warnings appear when you access the website with the installed Font Awesome.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Firefox Warning about Incorrect Glyph Bbox

Firefox has implemented a new feature to alert font creators when their glyphs extend outside the bounding box. This is an intentional change made by Firefox to ensure better quality and accuracy in font rendering.

If you are using Font Awesome 6, the creators are already working on a fix for this issue. You can follow the progress on their GitHub issue tracker:

If you are using a different font and getting the same warning, you should contact the font creator and inform them about the issue. They can then update the font to remove the warning.

Font Awesome has stated that they will not be updating previous versions of the font to address this warning. You can either update to their latest version, live with the warnings, or switch to a different approach for using icons.

In the meantime, you can hide the warning messages by unchecking the Warnings button in the Firefox dev console. This will hide the messages until your fonts can be updated or replaced.

Firefox dev tools with warning button unchecked

Solution 2: The warnings are due to font related errors

The error messages in the console indicate that there are errors with the font itself. These warnings may appear in Firefox because of incorrect Glyph bounding boxes within the font.
The "Glyph bbox was incorrect; adjusting" messages indicate that Firefox had to make adjustments to the font’s glyphs in order to display them properly.
This can happen due to errors in the font file itself or issues with how the font is being loaded and rendered by the browser.

At the time the original answer was provided, filing the issue as a bug in Mozilla’s Bugzilla database was also suggested. The bug report can be found at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1851623.

While the issue persisted in Firefox Dev 118.0b5 at the time, it was noted that the warnings were less noisy compared to previous versions. This suggests that Mozilla might have made improvements in handling such font errors in subsequent updates.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific solution provided in the given context. However, if you encounter similar warnings related to font errors, it is recommended to check for any updates to your browser or the font library you’re using.


What might be the reason behind these strange errors?

Firefox alerts font creators when glyphs extend beyond bounding box.

What can be done to fix the issue?

Update to latest version like Font-Awesome 6 or uncheck Warnings button in dev console.

Is it caused by Font-Awesome 6?

Yes, Font-Awesome is working on a fix for version 6.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How To Build A Weather App In JavaScript Without Needing A ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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