How can I make a div have a cut-out background style? – Html

Maya Patel
cssgrid html

Quick Fix: To achieve a cut-out background style for a div, set the container’s background color to transparent, enable overflow hidden, and provide the button with a large, solid white border keeping it transparent.

The Problem:

Given a web page with a container div having a background color and a button div inside it. The requirement is to make the button div have the background color of the container div, but in a way that it appears as a hole into the container div, rather than a re-created gradient. The provided code snippet showcases the current setup, but when modifying the button div’s background image to match that of the container div, it creates a new gradient, which is not the intended effect. The goal is to achieve a seamless appearance where the button div appears to be a part of the background, not a separate element with a gradient background.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: CSS Border

In this solution, the CSS property ‘overflow: hidden’ is applied to the ‘container’ div, which prevents the white border of the ‘button’ div from spilling outside of the container. As a result, the button appears to have a cut-out background style, as it seems like a hole in the container div.


How to make a div with a cut-out background style?

Use transparent background and add a thick border to the div.

What are the key changes that need to be made in the CSS code?

Set the background-color of container and button to transparent.

How to hide the overflow of the container div?

Add overflow: hidden to the container div.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "JavaScript Fighting Game Tutorial with HTML Canvas - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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