Use both B3 and W3C trace formats in trace propagation between Spring Boot 2 & 3 applications – Spring

Ali Hasan
micrometer-tracing spring spring-boot spring-cloud-sleuth

Quick Fix: Remove the Tracing bean and set the consume and produce properties in application.yml:

      consume: [b3, w3c]
      produce: [b3, w3c]

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Using application.yml

Configure both B3 and W3C formats in Spring Boot 3 applications using the `application.yml` file. Set the `consume` and `produce` properties to include both formats, as shown below:
consume: [b3, w3c]
produce: [b3, w3c]

This allows Spring Boot 3 services to recognize and propagate both formats, ensuring compatibility with both Spring Boot 2 and 3 applications.

Solution 2: Custom Interceptor Propagation

In Spring Boot 3, multiple propagation formats are not supported. However, you can use a custom interceptor to propagate both B3 and W3C trace formats in between Spring Boot 2 and 3 applications.

To do this, you can implement an interceptor that intercepts the outgoing requests and adds both B3 and W3C trace headers to the request.


How to use multiple tracing header types?

Remove the Tracing bean and set consume and produce properties in the application.yml with b3 and w3c values.

Is it possible to support multiple propagation types in Spring Boot 3?

No, Spring Boot 3 only supports a single propagation type.