What is the difference between build configuration language and language in Android Studio? – Android

Ali Hasan
android android-studio

Quick Fix: The language option is for setting the language for your Android application code, while build configuration language is for setting the language for Gradle build scripts. For beginners, Android Studio generates the necessary build scripts, so you don’t need to worry about this setting initially.

The Problem:

When initializing a new Android Studio project using the Empty Views Activity template, two options are provided: ‘language’ and ‘build configuration language’. What is the distinction between these two options?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Difference Between Language and Build Configuration Language

The language setting in Android Studio refers to the programming language you will use to write the code for your Android application. In your case, you have selected Java as your language.

On the other hand, the build configuration language is the language used to write the Gradle build scripts for your Android project. Gradle is the build tool used by Android Studio to automate tasks such as compiling the code, packaging the app, and deploying it to devices or app stores.

The build configuration language can be different from the language used for the application code. It is typically Groovy or Kotlin. For beginners, you don’t need to worry too much about the build configuration language as Android Studio will generate most of the necessary scripts for you.


What is the difference between build configuration language and language in Android Studio?

The language option is for you to set the language in which you want to write your Android application. If you want to write it in Java, that’s the place to select that option.

What is build configuration language?

The build configuration language is the place for you to configure in which language you want to write these build scripts.

i am starting Android Studio, do I need to know about build scripts?

If you’re just starting, don’t worry to much about those build scripts.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "What's new in Android Studio Flamingo - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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