[Fixed] Facing Error: Uncaught RangeError – Maximum call stack size exceeded – Javascript

Maya Patel
javascript react-redux reactjs reactredux redux-toolkit

Quick Fix: Break the recursive call of handleAddCart() within itself. Check the conditions before calling handleAddCart() recursively to avoid infinite calls.

The Problem:

When attempting to add an item to the cart in a React application using Redux Toolkit, an error occurs: "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded". The investigation points towards an infinite recursion within the handleAddCart function in Product.js. Despite attempts to resolve the issue, a solution has not been found.The Redux Toolkit is currently being used for state management in the application. Assistance is sought.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Fix the Infinite Recursion

The issue in your code is that there’s an unintentional infinite recursion happening within the `handleAddCart` function in the `Product.js` file. You are calling `handleAddCart()` within the `handleAddCart()` function, which creates an infinite loop.

To fix this, you need to replace the line `dispatch(handleAddCart(item));` with `dispatch(addToCart(item));`. The `addToCart` action is defined in the `cartSlice`, and it is the correct action to dispatch when adding an item to the cart.

Here’s the corrected code for the `handleAddCart` function:

const handleAddCart = (item) => {
  dispatch(addToCart(item)); // Corrected line

With this change, you will no longer have the infinite recursion error, and clicking the "Add to Cart" button should work as expected.


Solution 2: Check your Dispatch Function


In the Product.js file, inside the handleAddCart function, the dispatch function is incorrectly used. Instead of dispatching the action, it’s dispatching the handleAddCart function itself, leading to an infinite loop:

const handleAddCart = (item) => {
  dispatch(handleAddCart(item)); // Incorrect usage


To fix this issue, you should dispatch an action object with the correct action type and payload:

const handleAddCart = (item) => {
  dispatch({ type: 'addToCart', payload: item }); // Correct usage


This way, the reducer associated with the 'addToCart' action type will be triggered, and the item will be added to the cart correctly.


What is the root cause of the error Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded ?

The cause of the error is an infinite recursion within the handleAddCart function.

How is the handleAddCart function being called recursively?

The issue lies in invoking handleAddCart from within the handleAddCart function itself.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "”jQuery", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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