How to make React Vite Typescript webpage take up the full height and have a minimum width – Html

Ali Hasan
css-loader html reactjs

Quick Fix: To make your React Vite Typescript webpage take up the full height and have a minimum width, you can use the following CSS properties:

.fullscreen-element {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

These properties will ensure that your webpage takes up the entire height and width of the viewport, regardless of the size of the user’s screen.

The Problem:

Problem Statement

I am trying to create a React application with Vite and Typescript. I want my web page to take up the full height of the browser window and have a minimum width.

I have a App component that contains a navbar and a content area. The content area should have a background color and extend to fill the remaining height of the browser window.

However, I am facing the following issues:

  • The web page is not taking up the full height of the browser window unless the content area has enough content to fill the window.
  • If I set height: 100vh on the App component, the content area extends beyond the browser window if it has more content than can fit within the window.
  • I have tried setting height: 100% and min-height: 100% on the html, body, and App elements, but this does not resolve the issue.

I am looking for a solution that will allow me to create a web page that takes up the full height of the browser window and has a minimum width, regardless of the amount of content in the content area.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Setting Explicit Height and Width

To make the React Vite Typescript webpage take up the full height and have a minimum width, set the following properties on the desired element:

.fullscreen-element {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100vw;

This explicitly sets the element’s height to 100% of the viewport height (`vh`) and the width to 100% of the viewport width (`vw`). This ensures that the element fills the screen, regardless of the content length.


What is the correct way to achieve the webpage taking up the height and width of the screen without a minimum height?

Setting height and width of 100vh & 100vw will make the element take up the full height and width of the screen.

Where did OP go wrong in the coding?

The OP used break tags as a hacky way to extend the length of the page to match the browser height. Break tags are not meant to be used for this purpose.

What is a better way of extending the length of the page to match the browser height?

Setting the height of the parent element to 100% will make the child element take up the full height of the browser.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Create a Video Background Component in React JS - With a ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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Quick video background tutorial for React JS. Really it's the same as a static HTML/CSS website, I've just been learning React lately so ...