Initializing an earth engine project in Colab – Python

Maya Patel
google-colaboratory google-earth-engine mysql-connector-python

Quick Fix: In the Earth Engine code editor, navigate to the ‘Assets’ tab and copy the project name. Replace ‘ee.Initialize()’ with ‘ee.Initiliaze(project=’NameofYourEarthEngineProject’)’ in your Colab script.

The Problem:

I am facing issues initializing an Earth Engine project in Colab using Python. I have tried using the ee.Initialize() method, but instead of providing a link to generate a token for my project, I am encountering a PERMISSION_DENIED error. The error message suggests that the Earth Engine API has not been used in my project before or is disabled, and I am asked to enable it manually.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Initializing Earth Engine Project in Colab

To initialize your own Earth Engine project in Google Colab, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an Earth Engine Project:

    • Go to the Earth Engine website and create a new project.
    • Make a note of your project ID.
  2. Enable the Earth Engine API:

    • Go to the Google Cloud console and select your project.
    • Enable the Earth Engine API.
  3. Initialize Earth Engine in Colab:

    • Open a new Colab notebook.

    • Import the Earth Engine library:

      import ee
    • Initialize the Earth Engine API with your project ID:

  4. Authenticate Your Colab Notebook:

    • After initializing the Earth Engine API, you may need to authenticate your Colab notebook to access your project.
    • Follow the instructions provided by Earth Engine to authenticate your notebook.
  5. Use Earth Engine in Colab:

    • Once you have authenticated your notebook, you can start using Earth Engine in Colab to work with geospatial data.
    • You can use the Earth Engine API to access satellite imagery, perform image processing tasks, and analyze geospatial data.


What is the error when initializing an earth engine project on Google colab using Python?

PERMISSION_DENIED: API has not been used in project before or it is disabled.

What is the solution for the error?

Activate the GEE API in Google Cloud, create a new project, then specify it when calling ee.Initialize().

What is the difference between the old and new methods?

The new method does not require the convoluted series of clicks and links to get a token, it just runs and activates.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Google Earth Engine Python API Installation, Authentication ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

Excerpt: In this video I show how to install google earth engine python API on your local machine as well as how to fix the authentication ...