[Fixed] Why is "pip install gym" failing with "python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully" errors? – Python-3.x

Ali Hasan
google-colaboratory openai-gym python-3.x

The Problem:

I am getting ‘python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully’ errors when trying to install ‘gym’ using ‘pip install gym’. I have already updated pip and setuptools, and installed ez_setup, but the issue persists. This error occurs while attempting to install gym in Google Colab.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrade Python Packages

The error suggests compatibility issues between gym and certain Python packages. To resolve this, downgrade setuptools to version 65.5.0 and wheel to a version less than 0.40.0 using the following commands:

!pip install setuptools==65.5.0 "wheel<0.40.0"

After restarting the kernel, attempt the installation of gym again with:

!pip install gym==0.21.0


Why is "pip install gym" failing with "python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully" errors?

Downgrade your setuptools==65.5.0 and wheel&lt;0.40.0.

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