langchain: No module named 'langchain.document_loaders' – Langchain

Ali Hasan
jupyter-notebook langchain

Quick Fix: Check your import statement for the DirectoryLoader class. The latest version of langchain has moved it to the langchain.loaders module. So, try importing it like this:

from langchain.loaders import DirectoryLoader

The Problem:

When importing the DirectoryLoader from the langchain.document_loaders module in Python, an error message is encountered stating that there is no module named langchain.document_loaders. This issue persists despite using the latest versions of Python and langchain.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Correct Import Statement

The *ModuleNotFoundError* occurs when Python is unable to find the module you are trying to import. In this case, the issue lies in the import statement. To fix this, you need to use the correct import statement for the *DirectoryLoader*, which is:

from langchain.loaders import DirectoryLoader

Make sure to replace `langchain.document_loaders` with `langchain.loaders` in your import statement.

Solution 2: Verify Python Version

The issue may arise due to the inconsistency between the installed Python version and the version being used by the notebook kernel. To resolve this:

  1. Check the Python version within the notebook kernel using the following code:
from platform import python_version
  1. If the kernel is using a different Python version than the installed version, update the kernel settings. Follow the instructions provided in the Stack Overflow answer referenced in the provided solution ( to modify the kernel settings and ensure it uses the desired Python version.

Solution 3: Use a Glob

To load only .txt files from a directory, you can use a glob. The following line will load all .txt files from the directory ./training:

loader = DirectoryLoader('./training', glob='**/*.txt')

Solution 4: For python version 3.8 below

Python 3.8 does not include the importlib.metadata module, which is required by langchain. To resolve this issue, you can install the importlib-metadata package using pip:

pip install importlib-metadata

Solution 5: Setting the Python path

Often the cause of this error is that the Python path has not been set correctly. To set the Python path, you can use the following command in your terminal:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/langchain

Replace `/path/to/langchain` with the actual path to the langchain directory on your system. Once the Python path has been set, you should be able to import the `langchain.document_loaders` module without encountering the `No module named ‘langchain.document_loaders’` error.


Issue with python module import

ModuleNotFoundError typically occurs when Python cannot find the module you are trying to import.

Wrong python version used by the kernel

The ipynb kernel was using Python 3.7 instead of Python 3.11, even though the 3.11 was the default install.

Loading specific file extensions from directories

You can use the glob parameter in DirectoryLoader to specify which file extensions to load from a directory.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Langchain Error - PExpect Not Found Solution - Fix - in 3 minutes ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

... module not found error. When I installed it...i got the ... without any extension or application. Mustafa The ...