[Fixed] ValueError: "Requirement" object has no field "use_pep517" when installing Python packages in a Docker Image – Python

Ali Hasan
azure-pipelines boot2docker llama-cpp-python pipenv

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrading PyYAML package

The issue may be caused by a version mismatch between PyYAML and other packages. Downgrading PyYAML to version 5.3.1 has been reported to resolve the error in some cases.

Solution 2: Regenerate Pipfile.lock

The error “ValueError: "Requirement" object has no field "use_pep517"” occurs due to a problem with the generated lock file (Pipfile.lock).

To resolve this issue, you can regenerate the Pipfile.lock file using the command:
pipenv lock

Solution 3: Update Pipenv Dependencies

It’s likely that the issue stems from a mismatch between the pipenv version installed in the Docker image and the pipenv version specified in the Pipfile.lock. Upgrading the pipenv dependencies, particularly the schemachange package, can resolve the error.

To update pipenv dependencies:

  1. Update the schemachange package in the Pipfile to a newer version that uses a compatible PyYAML version.
  2. Run pipenv lock to update the Pipfile.lock with the new dependencies.
  3. Push the updated Pipfile and Pipfile.lock to the repository.

Once these steps are complete, the Docker image should install the pipenv dependencies without encountering the "use_pep517" error.

Solution 4: Disable PEP 517 processing

If you encounter the “ValueError: “Requirement” object has no field “use_pep517″” error, it could be due to a dependency that specifies a build backend of setuptools.build_meta in its pyproject.toml file, which disables PEP 517 processing. To resolve this issue, you can disable PEP 517 processing for the specific dependency by setting the “use_pep517” field to False in the requirements.txt file:

dep-name==version;python_version == "< 3.8" and use_pep517=false


What can I do to solve the ‘Requirement’ object has no field ‘use_pep517’ error when installing Python packages in a Docker Image?

Try regenerating the Pipfile lock file. If that doesn’t work, check if there are any outdated packages that need to be upgraded.

Which package could be the root cause of the ‘Requirement’ object has no field ‘use_pep517’ error?

PyYAML is a common culprit, but it could also be caused by MySQLClient or another package that requires pkg-config.

How can I find the culprit package causing the ‘Requirement’ object has no field ‘use_pep517’ error?

Run ‘pipenv install –verbose’ in a terminal to see a detailed list of packages as they’re installed. The last package before the error is likely the culprit.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "What are Fixed Value Methods with Poka Yoke? - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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Fixed value methods, also known as constant value methods, is a technique that can be used to both control and warn a person when the ...